Fesootai faatasi ma i tatou


5 Tamaʻitaʻi Faʻafefe Ata Tifaga O loʻo tafe nei i luga o Netflix: Vaega 1



Tusia e Shannon McGrew

For the past 8 years, the month of February has been home to the Tamaitai i le Matataʻu Masina initiative created by Hannah Forman, Editor-in-Chief of Ax Wound Zine.  To help support and promote females within the horror genre, I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 horror films directed by women that you can currently stream on Neflix.  So do yourself a favor and add all of these movies to your queue, set aside a full day, grab some popcorn, and indulge yourself with these incredible horror films directed by insanely talented women.

5. "O le Babadook"
Taitaiina e: Jennifer Kent
otootoga:  A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son’s fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Aisea e Tatau ai Ona Matamata:  Jennifer Kent came out swinging with “O le Babadook” and it took the horror world by storm. Whether you love the film or hate it, it has cemented itself as one of the most talked about horror films in recent years. Not only was the film directed by a woman but it also featured a strong performance by actress essie-davis and brought to light the struggles of motherhood and having to raise a child on your own.

4. "O Se Teine E savali Naʻo Oe i le Fale i le Po"
Taitaiina e: Ana Lily Amirpour
otootoga:  In the Iranian ghost-town Bad City, a place that reeks of death and loneliness, the townspeople are unaware they are being stalked by a lonesome vampire.

Aisea e Tatau ai Ona Matamata: This is one of those films that never seems to have any bad press surrounding it.  Like “O le Babadook“, it also has a strong performance by a female lead in actress Sheila Vand‘s The Girl.  This is the only film on the list that I haven’t seen and I know that I must remedy that soon but from all the praises that I’ve heard about it, I can only assume that it’s a fantastic watch.

3. "Le Valaaulia"
Taitaiina e: Karyn kusama
otootoga: While attending a dinner party at his former home, a man thinks his ex-wife and her new husband have sinister intentions for their guests.

Aisea e Tatau ai Ona Matamata: I know, I know.  This is one of those films people either love or hate and I’ve received backlash in the past for putting this film on my top 10 of 2016.  Regardless, I still think it’s a powerhouse of a movie with terrific performances from everyone in the cast.  It’s a slow burn and it definitely takes awhile before the action really starts to play out, but once it does the payoff is so worth it.  The last five minutes of this film are chilling and it makes you question if you really those that are close to you.

2. "Ravenous"
Taitaiina e: Antonia Bird
otootoga: In a remote military outpost in the 19th Century, Captain John Boyd and his regiment embark on a rescue mission which takes a dark turn when they are ambushed by a sadistic cannibal.

Aisea e Tatau ai Ona Matamata: "Ravenous” is such a badass film and why more people don’t know about this movie is beyond me.  The film has everything from cannibals to the legend of Wendigo, with a touch of humor and mountains of gore.  Add in an all star cast that includes Guy pearce, Robert Carlyle, David arquette ma Jeremy Davies and you have yourself one hell of a horror movie expertly directed by Antonia Manu.

1. "Moli"
Taitaiina e: Leigh janiak
otootoga: A newlywed couple finds their lake-country honeymoon descend into chaos after Paul finds Bea wandering and disoriented in the middle of the night.

Aisea e Tatau ai Ona Matamata: I literally can’t say enough good things about “Moli.”  This has to be one of my favorite movies that’s currently streaming on Netflix and one of the few that has been able to keep my entire attention from start to finish.  There are moments that are incredibly chilling and the chemistry between the couple (played by Rose Leslie ma Harry Treadaway) is palpable and intense as we watch them go from happy newlyweds in love to a couple engulfed in a chaos of terror and confusion.  I can’t urge you enough to check out this film, it’s a definite much watch for any and all horror fans!

I would also like to make two special mentions, as both director Sara Adina Samita ma Axel Carolyn are involved in horror anthologies that are currently streaming on Netflix.  In “Aso Malolo“, Sarah Adina Smith’s segment “Aso o Tina” follows a woman who can’t stop getting pregnant and finds herself involved with a coven of barren witches after attending a strange ritual.  It’s definitely a disturbing short, one that made me want to never ever get pregnant.  In “Tala o le Halloween“, Axelle Carolyn’s segment “Aitu Faʻanoanoa” follows a young woman that is haunted by a malevolent spirit.  Her short is masterfully done with an ending that will stay with you long after it’s over.

Now go out and help spread the word about these talented directors and do your part to help support Women in Horror all year long!

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

Kiliki e faʻamatala

E tatau ona e saini i totonu e lafo ai sau fa'amatalaga Saini i Totonu

Tuua se tali

O ata tifaga

'Evil Dead' Film Franchise Maua E LUA Fuafuaga Fou



O se tulaga lamatia mo Fede Alvarez le toe faʻafouina o le mataʻutia masani a Sam Raimi Ua Maliu Le Tiapolo i le 2013, ae na tauia lena tulaga lamatia ma faapena foi lona taunuuga faaleagaga Tulai i luga le Oti i le 2023. Ole taimi nei o loʻo lipotia mai ai o le faasologa o loʻo maua, e le tasi, ae lua tala fou.

Ua uma ona tatou iloa e uiga i le Sébastien Vaniček ata tifaga o loʻo lumanaʻi e faʻasalalau i totonu o le Deadite universe ma e tatau ona avea ma se faʻasologa talafeagai i le ata lata mai, ae ua faʻasalalauina i matou. Francis Galluppi ma Ata Ghost House o lo'o faia se galuega fa'atino e tasi i le atulaulau o Raimi e fa'avae mai se manatu o Galluppi na faatu ia Raimi lava ia. O lena manatu o loo natia.

Tulai i luga le Oti

"O Francis Galluppi o se tala faʻasolopito na te iloa le taimi e faʻatali ai i matou i le vevesi ma le taimi e taia ai i matou i le vevesi," o le tala lea a Raimi i le Deadline. "O ia o se faatonu e faʻaalia le le masani ai o le pulea i lana ata muamua."

O lea vaega ua faaulutalaina Le Taofi Mulimuli I le Itumalo o Yuma lea o le a tatalaina i ata tifaga i le Iunaite Setete ia Me 4. E mulimuli atu i se faatauoloa femalagaaʻi, "ua paʻulia i se nofoaga malolo i nuu i tua o Arisona," ma "ua tuʻuina atu i se tulaga mataʻutia na taofia e ala i le taunuu mai o ni tagata faomea se toʻalua e aunoa ma se popole i le faʻaaogaina o le sauā. -poʻo le malulu, maʻaʻa uamea-e puipuia ai o latou manuia ua pisia i le toto."

Galluppi ose fa'ailoga fa'ailoga sci-fi/fa'amata'u fa'ata'ita'i pu'upu'u o ana galuega ta'uta'ua e aofia ai High Desert Seoli ma Le Gemini Poloketi. E mafai ona e va'ai i le fa'atonuga atoa o High Desert Seoli ma le teaser mo Gemini i lalo:

High Desert Seoli
Le Gemini Poloketi

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga

O ata tifaga

O le 'Tagata Le Vaaia 2' E “Taofilata Mai Nai lo o le Mea Sa i ai” i le mea e tupu



Elisabeth Moss i se faʻamatalaga sili ona mafaufau lelei fai mai i se faatalanoaga mo Fiafia Faanoanoa Fenumiai e ui lava o loʻo i ai ni faʻafitauli faʻapitoa mo le faia Tagata Le Vaaia 2 o loo i ai le faamoemoe i le tafailagi.

Podcast host Josh Horowitz fesili e uiga i le tulitatao ma pe afai limu ma faatonu leigh whanell na latalata atu i le faia o se fofo e fai ai. "Ua matou latalata atu nai lo le mea na matou oʻo i ai i le taʻeina," o le tala lea a Moss ma le ataata tele. E mafai ona e vaʻai i lana tali i le 35:52 maka i le vitio o loʻo i lalo.

Fiafia Faanoanoa Fenumiai

O lo'o i Niu Sila nei Whannell e pu'eina se isi ata tifaga mo Universal, Wolf Man, atonu o le aloiafi lea e fa'amumu ai le manatu fa'alavelave a le Universal Dark Universe lea e le'i maua se malosi talu mai le taumafaiga a Tom Cruise e toe fa'aola. O le Mummy.

E le gata i lea, i le podcast video, fai mai Moss o ia i le Wolf Man ata tifaga o lea e tu'u i le ea so'o se taumatematega e fa'apea o se galuega fa'asaga.

I le taimi nei, o le Universal Studios o loʻo i le ogatotonu o le fausiaina o se fale faʻafefe i le tausaga atoa Las Vegas lea o le a fa'aalia nisi o latou mata'utia sau'ai cinematic. Faʻalagolago i le auai, e mafai ona avea ma faʻamalosiaga e manaʻomia e le fale suʻesuʻe ina ia toe faʻafeiloaʻi ai le au faʻalogo i a latou meafaiola IP ma maua atili ata tifaga e faʻatatau i latou.

O le poloketi Las Vegas ua sauni e tatala i le 2025, e fetaui lelei ma le latou paka autu fou i Orlando e taʻua. Epic Universe.

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga


O le fa'asologa o le 'Pressumed Innocent' a Jake Gyllenhaal na maua vave le aso fa'alauiloa.



Na manatu Jake gyllenhaal e mama

Fa'asologa fa'atapula'a a Jake Gyllenhaal Fa'apea e le sala ua pa'u ile AppleTV+ ile Iuni 12 nai lo Iuni 14 e pei ona muai fuafuaina. O le fetu, e ona Fale auala toe fa'afouina ua iai aumaia iloiloga fefiloi i luga ole Amazon Prime, o loo opogi le tamai lau mo le taimi muamua talu ona foliga mai i luga Fasioti Tagata: Ola i luga o le Auala i 1994.

Jake Gyllenhaal i le 'Presumed Innocent'

Fa'apea e le sala o lo'o gaosia e David E Kelley, Le Robot Leaga a JJ Abrams, ma Warner Bros. O se suiga o le ata tifaga a Scott Turow i le 1990 lea e taalo ai Harrison Ford i se loia e faia ona tiute faalua o se tagata sailiili o loo sailia le fasioti tagata a lana paaga.

O nei ituaiga o fa'afiafiaga fa'afiafia sa ta'uta'ua i le 90s ma e masani ona iai fa'ai'uga mimilo. O le ta'avale lea mo le ulua'i:

Ae faimai foi ASO E FAAGATA, Fa'apea e le sala e le o se ese mamao mai le punaoa: “…le Fa'apea e le sala faasologa o le a suʻesuʻeina le mataʻutia, feusuaʻiga, faiga faʻapolokiki ma le malosi ma tapulaa o le alofa aʻo tauivi le ua molia e faʻatasi lona aiga ma le faaipoipoga."

O le pito i luga mo Gyllenhaal o le Guy Ritchie ata tifaga faaulutalaina I le Efuefu fa'atulaga mo le tatalaina ia Ianuari 2025.

Fa'apea e le sala ose fa'asologa fa'atapula'a e valu-vaega ua fa'atulaga e tafe ile AppleTV + amata ia Iuni 12.

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga