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iHorror Spotlight: 'Voluma o le Toto: Tala Mataʻutia' - Vaega 'Le Oti Aso Pati' - Faʻatalanoaga.



Tele o le Toto: Tala Mataga - Vaega "O le Pati Aso Maliu."

Actress Cindy Maples - "Almeda."

iRorror: What is the most extreme change to your personality that you have done to prepare yourself for the role of Almeda?

Cindy Maples: When I read the script the first few times, I kept thinking I not old enough to play this character. She was written as a woman in her sixties, but at the same time she was doing some pretty physical things, so I had a hard time wrapping my mind around how to play her. In the end, I just decided to play her as the age I am (which we won’t mention) and hoped that she would be believable. She is also an interesting mix of sweet and evil, which I really love. But I knew the only way that I would be able to get the audience to like her is if I played her all sweet and just let the evil sneak up on you. You can almost forgive her for being evil because she does it with so much love.

iH: How did you get attached to this project? Was it a traditional audition?

cm: I’ve known PJ Starks since 2009, and he has actually contacted me 3 other times to work with him on his projects. A couple never got made and then when he asked me to do the first Volumes of Blood I was already working on two other films and couldn’t work it into my schedule. So I guess the fourth time is a charm. I’m so glad he kept asking because it was a really fun experience.

iH: What are your favorite traits of your character, Almeda?

cm: As mentioned earlier, I love that she is this great mix of sweet and evil. I thought it was wonderful that she is so in love with her husband and that they have this great relationship that allows them to enjoy their mutual interest. I had this entire backstory I’d written about how they met while trying to kill each other and then discovered that they were perfect for each other.You and your co-star Jay Woolston had a great chemistry together it felt like a real relationship, especially with the way you two played with the dark humor and sarcasm. Was this instant between the two of you or was there practice behind this?

iH: You and your co-star Jay Woolston had a great chemistry together it felt like a real relationship, especially with the way you two played with the dark humor and sarcasm. Was this instant between the two of you or was there practice behind this?

cm: I had never met Jay before the day I walked onto set. I knew of him, and we were Facebook friends, but that was it. I had no idea what to expect but was very pleasantly surprised. We had some downtime the first day while we got into wardrobe and the set was prepared, and we just started goofing off. I remember he walked into the dressing room in his too tight shorts and his porn-stache and we joked about how adorable he looked. And that was it; we were John and Almeda in that moment. He is naturally funny and so easy to work with; I just hope we get to do it again.

 iH: Are you a fan of the horror genre? If so, what are your favorite films and have any inspired you?

cm: I am a self-proclaimed horror addict! I love anything that scares me. This is why my resume is riddled with horror films. I’ve literally died so many times on screen, that if I were a cat, I would be out of lives. I love movies like Insidious, O le Conjuring, ma O Isi. I like my horror with jump scares and very little blood. I don’t want to see the scare coming.

iH: Any fun stories that occurred on set?

cm: Honestly, we had so little time that we were kind of all business on set. We only had two days to get a lot of work done, and there was no possibility of reshoots because Justin and Zane were only in from Pennsylvania for that one weekend. I will say that after a 17.5 hour day we were all a little slap happy, though. I think the funniest thing that happened to me was that I had to use a flip phone to take selfies and we all realized after we had shot a few scenes that I was actually holding the phone the wrong way to take a selfie. I’m not sure whose phone that was, but they have a lot of pictures of me and Alyssa.

 iH: Is there anything that you are currently working on that you can talk about?

cm: I’m currently promoting my short film I Loʻu Mafaufau, that is out on the festival circuit. After the success of my first award-winning short film Random, released last year, that won me not only best short film awards but also Best Actress, I decided to step back behind the camera to create a new horror short. My first short Random shocked audiences with its bloody ending and twisty finish that was compared to an episode of Tales mai le Pogisa ma Suega Lua. Now with this new short I’m tapping into some of my greatest influences with a story that I describe as a little Edgar Allen Poe and a little Stephen King.


VOB: Tala Mataga has not released to the general public. The film is seeking distribution and is hitting the festival circuit. Check out our review and interview with Writer and Producer P.J. Starks by clicking iinei!






Ryan T. Cusick o se tusitala mo ihorror.com ma e matua fiafia lava i talanoaga ma tusitusiga e uiga i soʻo se mea i totonu o le ituaiga faʻafefe. O le mataʻu na amata ai lona fiafia ina ua uma ona matamata i le amataga, Le Amityville Mataʻu ina ua tolu tausaga o lona matua. E nofo Ryan i Kalefonia ma lona toʻalua ma le la tama teine ​​e sefulutasi tausaga le matua, o ia foʻi o loʻo faʻaalia lona fiafia ile ituaiga mataʻutia. Talu ai nei na maua ai e Ryan le tikeri o lona Matai i le Psychology ma e iai lona naunautaʻiga e tusia se tusi. E mafai ona mulimulitaʻia Ryan i luga ole Twitter @ Nytmare112



Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

Itulau: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Kiliki e faʻamatala

E tatau ona e saini i totonu e lafo ai sau fa'amatalaga Saini i Totonu

Tuua se tali

O ata tifaga

O le a taulaʻi atu le 'Scream VII' ile Prescott Family, Tamaiti?



Talu mai le amataga o le Scream franchise, e foliga mai o loʻo i ai NDA na tuʻuina atu i le au lafo e aua neʻi faʻaalia ni faʻamatalaga faʻamatalaga poʻo le tuʻuina atu o filifiliga. Ae o tagata poto i luga o le initaneti e mafai ona maua soʻo se mea i nei aso faʻafetai i le Uepi Lautele Lalolagi ma lipoti mai mea latou te maua o ni taumatematega nai lo le mea moni. E le'o se faiga fa'asalalau sili, ae o lo'o fa'agasolo ma pe a Alaga na faia so'o se mea lelei i le 20-sili atu tausaga ua tuana'i o lo'o fa'atupu ai le pisa.

I le taumatematega lata mai o le a A'e VII o le a e uiga i, ata tifaga mata'utia blogger ma toesega tupu Matai Sili fa'asalalau i le amataga o Aperila e fa'apea o lo'o va'ava'ai sui fa'asolo mo le ata mata'utia e fa'a faigaluega ni tagata fa'atino mo matafaioi a tamaiti. O lenei mea ua mafua ai ona talitonu nisi Faʻauluuluga o le a taulai atu i le aiga o Sini e toe aumaia le franchise i ona a'a i le mea o lo'o i ai le ma teine ​​mulimuli toe afaina ma fefe.

O le silafia lautele i le taimi nei o Neve Campbell is toe foi i le Alaga franchise ina ua uma ona maualalo-polo e Spyglass mo lana vaega i totonu A'e VI lea na mafua ai ona faamavae. Ua lauiloa foi lena mea Melissa Barrera ma Jenna Ortega o le a le toe foi vave mai e faatino a latou matafaioi o ni tuafafine Sam ma Tara Kamuta. O le au fa'atonu o lo'o taumafai e su'e a latou fa'ailoga na fa'asalalauina ina ua fa'atonu Cristopher Landon fai mai o le a le alu foi i luma A'e VII e pei ona muai fuafuaina.

Ulufale i le Scream creator Kevin Williamson o lo'o fa'atonu nei le vaega fou. Ae o le arc a le Kamuta ua foliga mai ua soloia o le fea itu o le a ia ave ai ana ata tifaga pele? Matai Sili e foliga mai e manatu o le a avea o se fa'afiafiaga fa'aleaiga.

O le tala lea a Patrick Dempsey mālosi foʻi i le faasologa o le tane a Sini lea na faaataata mai i totonu Ue V. E le gata i lea, o Courteney Cox o loʻo mafaufau foi e toe faʻafoʻi lana matafaioi o le tusitala leaga-liu-tusitala. Gale Weathers.

A'o amata ona pu'eina le ata i Kanata i se taimi o lenei tausaga, o le a manaia le va'ai pe fa'afefea ona latou fa'amauina le fanua. E faʻamoemoe, oi latou e le manaʻo i ni mea faʻaleagaina e mafai ona aloese mai ia i latou e ala i le gaosiga. Ae mo i matou, matou te fiafia i se manatu e aumaia ai le franchise i totonu o le mega-meta atulaulau.

Lenei o le lona tolu Alaga le fa'asologa e le'i fa'atonuina e Wes Craven.

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga

O ata tifaga

O le 'Apo ma le Tiapolo' e aumaia ai le afi i le tafe



Faatasi ai ma le manuia e pei o se ata tifaga mataʻutia tutoatasi e mafai ona i le ofisa pusa, Le Po ma le Tiapolo is faia e sili atu i luga o tafega. 

O le mataua afa-i-Halloween o Le Po ma le Tiapolo ia Mati e leʻi alu i fafo mo le masina lava aʻo leʻi alu i le tafe ia Aperila 19 lea e tumau ai le vevela e pei o Hades lava ia. E iai le avanoa sili ona lelei mo se ata tifaga Talii.

I lana ta'aloga fa'afiafia, ua fa'ailoa mai e $666K le tupe na maua e lea ata i le fa'ai'uga o lana fa'ai'uga o le vaiaso tatala. O le mea lena e sili ona maualuga ai le tupe tatala mo se tala faatino IFC ata tifaga

Le Po ma le Tiapolo

“O le sau mai se fa'amaumauga ta'aloga fa'afiafia, matou te fiafia lava e avatu Po o le Po lona amataga tafeaga i luga Talii, a o matou faʻaauau pea ona aumaia a matou tagata faʻasalalau fiafia i le sili ona mataʻutia, faatasi ai ma galuega faatino e fai ma sui o le loloto ma le lautele o lenei ituaiga, "o Courtney Thomasma, le EVP o le faʻasalalau polokalame i AMC Networks ta'u atu i le CBR. “O lo’o galulue fa’atasi ma le kamupani a le matou tuafafine AFC Films O le aumaia o lenei ata mataʻina i se aofia e sili atu le lautele o se tasi lea o faʻataʻitaʻiga o le faʻaogaina lelei o nei ituaiga e lua ma le faʻafefea ona faʻaauau pea le faʻafefe ma le taliaina e tagata fiafia."

Sam Zimmerman, Shudder's VP o Polokalama e fiafia i lena Le Po ma le Tiapolo o loʻo tuʻuina atu e le au fiafia le ata tifaga se olaga lona lua i luga o le tafe. 

"O le manuia o le Late Night i le faʻasalalau ma tala faʻataʻitaʻi o se manumalo mo le ituaiga o fatuga, faʻauluuluga o loʻo faʻamoemoe i ai le Shudder ma le IFC Films, "o lana tala lea. "O se faʻafetai tele i le Cairnes ma le au fai ata tifaga mataʻina."

Talu mai le fa'ama'i fa'ama'i fa'aaliga fa'afiafiaga na fa'apu'upu'u le ola fa'alilolilo fa'afetai i le fa'atupuina o auaunaga fa'asalalau a le potu; o le a le tele o masina e lavea ai le tafe mai i le sefulu tausaga talu ai ua na o ni nai vaiaso e alu ai ma afai o oe o se auaunaga faʻapitoa e pei o Talii e mafai ona latou fa'amisi atoa le maketi PVOD ma fa'aopoopo sa'o se ata i le latou faletusi. 

Le Po ma le Tiapolo ose tuusaunoaga foi aua na maua ai le viiga maualuga mai le au faitio ma o le mea lea na faaosofia ai e le gutu lona lauiloa. E mafai ona matamata le au fai saofaga Le Po ma le Tiapolo i le taimi nei i luga o le tulaga.

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga

O ata tifaga

'Evil Dead' Film Franchise Maua E LUA Fuafuaga Fou



O se tulaga lamatia mo Fede Alvarez le toe faʻafouina o le mataʻutia masani a Sam Raimi Ua Maliu Le Tiapolo i le 2013, ae na tauia lena tulaga lamatia ma faapena foi lona taunuuga faaleagaga Tulai i luga le Oti i le 2023. Ole taimi nei o loʻo lipotia mai ai o le faasologa o loʻo maua, e le tasi, ae lua tala fou.

Ua uma ona tatou iloa e uiga i le Sébastien Vaniček ata tifaga o loʻo lumanaʻi e faʻasalalau i totonu o le Deadite universe ma e tatau ona avea ma se faʻasologa talafeagai i le ata lata mai, ae ua faʻasalalauina i matou. Francis Galluppi ma Ata Ghost House o lo'o faia se galuega fa'atino e tasi i le atulaulau o Raimi e fa'avae mai se manatu o Galluppi na faatu ia Raimi lava ia. O lena manatu o loo natia.

Tulai i luga le Oti

"O Francis Galluppi o se tala faʻasolopito na te iloa le taimi e faʻatali ai i matou i le vevesi ma le taimi e taia ai i matou i le vevesi," o le tala lea a Raimi i le Deadline. "O ia o se faatonu e faʻaalia le le masani ai o le pulea i lana ata muamua."

O lea vaega ua faaulutalaina Le Taofi Mulimuli I le Itumalo o Yuma lea o le a tatalaina i ata tifaga i le Iunaite Setete ia Me 4. E mulimuli atu i se faatauoloa femalagaaʻi, "ua paʻulia i se nofoaga malolo i nuu i tua o Arisona," ma "ua tuʻuina atu i se tulaga mataʻutia na taofia e ala i le taunuu mai o ni tagata faomea se toʻalua e aunoa ma se popole i le faʻaaogaina o le sauā. -poʻo le malulu, maʻaʻa uamea-e puipuia ai o latou manuia ua pisia i le toto."

Galluppi ose fa'ailoga fa'ailoga sci-fi/fa'amata'u fa'ata'ita'i pu'upu'u o ana galuega ta'uta'ua e aofia ai High Desert Seoli ma Le Gemini Poloketi. E mafai ona e va'ai i le fa'atonuga atoa o High Desert Seoli ma le teaser mo Gemini i lalo:

High Desert Seoli
Le Gemini Poloketi

Toe Iloiloga o le 'Civil War': Pe e Tatau Ona Mata'ituina?

faaauau Faitauga