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FESOOTAIGA: Robert Englund talanoa 'Moni Faʻamataʻu' luga o le Travel Channel



Terorisi Moni

**This interview with Robert Englund for Terorisi Moni includes light spoilers. Readers beware.

“You’re all my children now,” Robert Englund growled into the phone to a group of reporters who’d gathered to chat with the legendary actor about Terorisi Moni, a new show he’s hosting on the Travel Channel.

The series, which premieres on Wednesday, October 18, 2020 at 10 pm EST, digs deep into strange and reportedly true stories from the history of the U.S. with Englund hosting and narrating reenactments involving everything from a dragon sighting in 19th century Arizona to a blood drinking religious cult and a particularly macabre ghost story surrounding the invention of the telephone.

The actor couldn’t be prouder of the series and he told us it was the sort of “comfort food” aspect of the show that initially drew him to Terorisi Moni.

“It’s sort of equal parts Rod Serling Suega Lua with some of the aspects of that great Robert Stack series, Le Masi Foi, you know, and then just a dash of Taimi amata,” he explained. “I like the comfort food aspect that it has this structure and this formula that we know. And it’s something you can tune into and learn something dark from the sort of underbelly of the American psyche.”

Further, it was the fact that all of the stories included in the series began as newspaper articles that really piqued Englund’s interest.

It’s one thing when you’re told a story by your brother’s cousin’s best friend from high school and quite another when you read the same story in your local newspaper. This adds a layer of reality to the stories, no matter how crazy they may seem, but also a level of genuine terror and unease at times even for the show’s host.

Englund pointed to a particular story that took place during one of several smallpox epidemics from the nation’s history.

“I had no idea that there was some scam between coroners and the guys that drove the charity wagons to the cemetery, coffin makers…and the last buck stopping with the gravedigger,” he said. “That, in fact people were literally being buried alive for profit!”

Stories like this, of course, often become inflated and conflated with others, leading to urban legends that we tell to this very day.

We’re all familiar with tales of the sasquatch, aka Bigfoot, but did you know one of our most famous presidents once had an encounter?

That doesn’t mean that the sources for these tales aren’t fascinating all on their own, however. The actor and host admits, for instance, that when he first saw that they would be doing a segment that involved sasquatch, his thoughts first turned to sitting in a drive-in theater on a double date watching Le Tala i le Vaitafe o Boggy.

He knew, of course, that there is a long history of sightings and that they date back to indigenous population in the U.S., but he wasn’t sure just what kind of story they would be telling on the show.

“When I saw the title to that segment, I thought, ‘Uh oh, here we go,'” Englund said. “And then, when we did our segment–and not only was it published in newspapers, but we actually have a president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, as one of our sources.”

Terorisi Moni‘s six themed episodes, there are a variety of chilling tales to experience and quite naturally the conversation turned to Englund’s own experiences with the strange and inexplicable during which he recounted a story that his mother related to him.

Describing her as a chain-smoking, martini-drinking liberal who once worked on the Adlai Stevenson campaign in the 1950s in California, his mother, apparently, often told a story that occurred during a horrible flood in the 30s in Los Angeles.

She was living in a sorority house at the time, and she and her sorority sisters had stayed up late listening to the radio and the reports of flooding. When the rest of her friends retired for the evening, she stayed up to wash out the coffee cups and clean up the kitchen when there was suddenly a knocking at the front door.

His mother opened the door to find one of her sorority sisters standing there soaking wet. She brought her inside and made her a cup of coffee and they sat and talked while the girl rested before telling Englund’s mother she intended to go up to a local boarding house to stay with a friend.

The next day, the police showed up to inform them they’d found the body of their classmate.

“But, they had found it like 36 hours before, which would have been about, you know, 12 to 15 hours before my mother made a cup of coffee for her,” Englund said. “And my mother said she went back and found the coffee cup, and it had lipstick on it.”

As Terorisi Moni goes, that would make one hell of a segment. Alas it was never covered in the newspapers.

Robert Englund thinks H.H. Holmes would make a fascinating topic for season two of True Terror and we couldn’t agree more!

There is one story, however, that Englund would very much like to see covered if/when season two of the series should come to fruition, and it all centers on the Chicago World’s Fair in the 1890s and the rise of serial killer H.H. Holmes.

The actor has recently become fascinated with the story after reading Erik Larson’s book, The Devil in the White City.

“[He] exploited the growth of the fair and the growth in the population in Chicago and the country girls coming to town for the fair,” the actor said. “And, you know, there’s some estimates that he may have killed up to 200 people. I’m not sure–I don’t know. But, they never found all the bodies.”

Holmes would definitely be a fascinating story to tell alongside stories of unnatural killers, ghosts, and the occasional psychic visions of Terorisi Moni.

The series premieres tomorrow night at 10 pm EST on the Travel Channel. Check your local listings for more airing information and prepare yourself for Terorisi Moni with Robert Englund!

Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Kiliki e faʻamatala

E tatau ona e saini i totonu e lafo ai sau fa'amatalaga Saini i Totonu

Tuua se tali


7 Ata Tele 'A'ei' Fanau & Pu'upu'u e Taua mo le Mata'ituina



le Alaga franchise o se fa'asologa fa'ailoga, e to'atele tagata fai ata tifaga fou ave musumusuga mai ai ma fai a latou lava fa'asologa pe, a itiiti ifo, fausia i luga o le uluai atulaulau na faia e le tusitala Kevin Williamson. O le YouTube o le auala sili lea e faʻaalia ai nei taleni (ma paketi) faʻatasi ai ma faʻaaloaloga faʻapitoa ma a latou lava mimilo.

Le mea sili e uiga i Faʻauluuluga e mafai ona sau o ia i so'o se mea, i so'o se taulaga, na'o le mana'omia lava o le saini ufimata, naifi, ma le fa'amoemoe e le'i fa'aogaina. Fa'afetai i tulafono Fa'aaogā Fa'atatau e mafai ona fa'alautele O le foafoaga a Wes Craven e ala i le fa'apotopotoina o se vaega o talavou matutua ma fa'aumatia i latou ta'itasi. Oi, ma aua nei galo le mimilo. O le a e maitauina o le leo lauiloa a Roger Jackson Ghostface o se vanu faʻatauvaʻa, ae e te mauaina le autu.

Ua matou aoina mai ata tifaga e lima / pupuu e faatatau i le Scream lea na matou manatu e manaia tele. E ui lava e le mafai ona latou faʻatusaina le paʻu o le $ 33 miliona blockbuster, latou te maua mea latou te maua. Ae o ai e manaʻomia se tupe? Afai e te talenia ma fa'aosofia so'o se mea e mafai e pei ona fa'amaonia e nei tagata fai ata o lo'o aga'i atu i liki tetele.

Va'ai i ata o lo'o i lalo ma ta'u mai ia i matou lou manatu. Ma a'o e i ai, tu'u le lima matua o nei tagata fai ata tifaga, pe tu'u i ai se fa'amatalaga e fa'amalosia ai i latou e fai nisi ata. E le gata i lea, o fea o le a e va'ai ai Ghostface vs. a Katana o lo'o seti uma i se lipine hip-hop?

Scream Live (2023)

A'e Ola

ghostface (2021)


Mata o Aitu (2023)

Fiafia o le Agaga

Aua le Ue (2022)

Aua le Ee

A'ei: Ose Ata Ata Atamai (2023)

A'e: Ose Ata Ata

Le Alaga (2023)

Le Alaga

Ose Ata Ata U'i Tagata (2023)

Ose Ata A'ei Tagata
Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

faaauau Faitauga

O ata tifaga

O le isi ata o le apogaleveleve mata'utia ua taia i le masina lenei



O ata lelei apogaleveleve o se autu i lenei tausaga. Tulaga tasi, sa matou Faʻailoga ona i ai lea Ua afaina. O le mea muamua o loʻo i ai pea i fale tifaga ma o le mea mulimuli o loʻo sau i Talii amata Aperila 26.

Ua afaina ua maua ni iloiloga lelei. Fai mai tagata, e le gata o se mea e sili ona lelei, ae o se faʻamatalaga faʻaagafesootai i le faʻailoga lanu i Farani.

E tusa ai ma le IMDb: Sa sailia e le tusitala/faatonu Sébastien Vanicek ni manatu e uiga i le faailoga tagata o loo feagai ma tagata uli ma foliga Arapi i Farani, ma na taitai atu ai o ia i apogaleveleve, lea e seasea talia i totonu o fale; so'o se taimi e va'aia ai, e sasaina. E pei o tagata uma i le tala (tagata ma apogaleveleve) e fai e le sosaiete e pei o se mea leaga, o le igoa na oo mai ia te ia e masani lava.

Talii ua avea ma tulaga auro mo le tafeina o mea mataʻutia. Talu mai le 2016, ua ofoina atu e le au'aunaga se faletusi tele o ituaiga ata tifaga. i le 2017, na amata ona latou faʻasalalau mea faʻapitoa.

Talu mai lena taimi ua avea Shudder ma se malosiaga i le taamilosaga o faafiafiaga ata tifaga, faʻatauina o aia tatau i ata tifaga, pe na o le gaosia o latou lava. E pei lava o Netflix, latou te tuʻuina atu se ata tifaga se taʻaloga puʻupuʻu ae leʻi faʻapipiʻiina i la latou faletusi faʻapitoa mo le au fai saofaga.

Le Po ma le Tiapolo o se faataitaiga sili. Na faʻasalalau faʻataʻitaʻi ia Mati 22 ma o le a amata faʻasalalau i luga o le tulaga amata ia Aperila 19.

E ui ina le maua le pisapisao tutusa ma Po o le Po, Ua afaina o se tausamiga e sili ona fiafia i ai ma e toʻatele na fai mai afai e te mafatia i le arachnophobia, atonu e te manaʻo e faʻalogo aʻo leʻi matamata i ai.

Ua afaina

E tusa ai ma le otootoga, o le matou tagata autu, o Kalib ua liliu 30 ma feagai ma nisi o mataupu faaleaiga. “O loo misa ma lona tuafafine ona o se tofi ma ua motusia sootaga ma lana uo mamae. O le fiafia i manu ese, na ia maua ai se apogaleveleve oona i totonu o se faleoloa ma toe aumaia i lona fale mautotogi. E na o sina taimi lava e sola ese ai le apogaleveleve ma toe fanau mai, ma liliu ai le fale atoa i se mailei mata'utia. Pau lava le filifiliga mo Kalepo ma ana uo o le sailia lea o se auala e alu ese ai ma ola ai.”

Ole ata ole a avanoa e matamata ile Shudder amata Aperila 26.

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Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

faaauau Faitauga

O ata tifaga

Vaega Koneseti, Vaega Mata'utia ata M. Night Shyamalan's 'Malei' Fa'asalalauina



I le moni shyamalan foliga, na te setiina lana ata māilei i totonu o se tulaga faʻaagafesootai lea tatou te le o mautinoa le mea o loʻo tupu. Talosia, o loʻo i ai se faʻalavelave i le faaiuga. E le gata i lea, matou te faʻamoemoe e sili atu nai lo le ata i lana ata tifaga 2021 matua.

O le taavale toso e foliga mai e tele mea e maua ai, ae, e pei o aso ua mavae, e le mafai ona e faʻalagolago i ana taavale toso aua e masani ona lanu mumu ma o loʻo e mafaufau i se auala patino. Mo se faʻataʻitaʻiga, o lana ata tifaga Knock i le Cabin e matua'i ese lava nai lo le mea na ta'u mai e le taavale toso ma afai e te le'i faitauina le tusi o loo faavae ai le ata e pei lava o le alu i le tauaso.

O le taupulepulega mo māilei o lo'o fa'aigoaina o se "aafiaga" ma matou te le o mautinoa po'o le a le uiga o lena mea. Afai tatou te mateina e faavae i luga o le taavale toso, o se ata tifaga o loʻo afifi i se mealilo mataʻutia. O lo'o iai ulua'i pese na faia e Saleka, o lo'o ta'alo ia Lady Raven, o se ituaiga o Taylor Swift/Lady Gaga hybrid. Ua latou faatuina foi a Lady Raven upegatafa'ilagie fa'ateleina ai le fa'afoliga.

O le taavale toso fou lenei:

E tusa ai ma le otootoga, e ave e se tama lona afafine i se tasi o konaseti tumu a Lady Raven, "lea latou te iloa ai o loo i ai i le ogatotonu o se mea pogisa ma le mataʻutia."

Tusia ma taitaia e M. Night Shyamalan, māilei fetu Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Shyamalan, Hayley Mills ma Allison Pill. O le ata na gaosia e Ashwin Rajan, Marc Bienstock ma M. Night Shyamalan. O le pule sili o Steven Schneider.

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Fa'alogo i le 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

faaauau Faitauga